
Monday, November 28, 2011

Chemo in two days!

Song that goes with this post- (Make my life a prayer to you) & (Healing in your hands)
Well, in two days I start CHEMO...Can't seem to get my mind off of it!!!!! 

 I have struggled with many things in my life,...making speeches in high school, my Divorce...etc! 

 Losing my hair to CHEMO...i can deal with (as long as it grows back!)

But,..CHEMO scares the crap out of me!!!!

Here are some helpful tips on dealing with CHEMO!  If you know more let me know!

1.  Eat small meals.
2.  Drink lots of water
3.  Suck on hard candy during chemo
4.  Find a good moisturizer because my face with be very dry
5.  Rinse with warm salt water, in case I get sores in my mouth
6.  Chapstick
7.  Use nailtiques on finger and toe nails
8.  Use lotion or baby oil on my head in case I lose my hair
9.  Carry barf bags...just in case
10. Write things down in case I get chemo brain....I'm in so much trouble if I get      that :/
11. Walk
12. Eat crackers first thing in morning for nausea
13. Get plenty of rest
14. Learn to say no
15. Oh...shave head before hair falls out, because it will plug your shower drain
16.  Surround yourself with things you love (I added that!)

Oh...I hope I don't get this!

Plenty of REST!

Should help your nails from Yellowing

How cute...Hello Kitty Barf Bag!  Did you know they even make designer Barf Bags?

Walking supposed to be good for you : )

Plenty of WATER... to flush that CHEMO

Just for FUN!!!

This might help every once in a while!!!!

Surround yourself with things you LOVE!!!

I shall do my BEST!!!!

Because it looked GOOD!!!  I can't help myself!

This to shall pass!!!


  1. Another thing my neighbor told me was otter pops....she said they tasted good when she was having chemo! love you Susie!

  2. I can't believe there is cute barf bags!! Nothing like barfing in style!:) Love you!

  3. Were praying for you aunt Susie! Love
