
Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I have only lived in my new neighborhood for year and half, so Halloween was a lot of fun last year because there were so many kids that we ran out of candy in less than hour ($100 worth)  we actually had a lot of candy.   But I was also sharing by the handfuls.  So it was kinda of a shock!

Well this year was a different story.  I was looking forward to seeing all the children in their crazy costumes, sit back have a glass of wine and hand out candy and laugh at the little kiddies.


 and I handed out candy one piece (like an assembly line) at a time to make it last!  It took 2 half hours before I ran out of candy...but that was a huge mistake after surgery cause my arms were so SORE!!!  I think someone was shipping kids from somewhere cause I don't think they lived here...there was WAY TOO MANY!!!


  Not sure how I will handle next year??? 

 I saw my grand babies very briefly cause she was anxious to trick or treat.  Any who here is a picture of my sweet daughter, her husband and my grand babies.   Looking so sweet!!!   My grand daughter Tegan was a Cotton Candy Princess:)  My son was a zombie, here is a before pic (so you know what he really looks like) and then then his zombie pic.

Clayton with his girlfriend Kayla (I like the way he looks here!)

1 comment:

  1. Your kids look so adorable all dressed up. I can't believe Camille can get Patrick to dress up! Clay looks gross but that was the point! Underneath he is a cutie pie! He girlfriend is adorable.....BC is gonna be tough!
