
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Recovery-More Surgery-Chemo

Well, it's been a while since I have blogged.  It's been two weeks since my Dr fixed my flat tire :) and I have also had one more round of chemo since then (2 total so far).   My first surgery (mastectomy) went really well!  Afterward I felt like I could get up and go shopping.

Oh...., but this last surgery (to fix my flat tire) I felt as though someone had run me over with a Mac truck and of course I tossed my cookies right after.  And I was really good about not drinking or eating anything the night before!!!!!  Oh and I get to wear those nice drains again!!!!!  Those are a lot of FUN!!!

 My surgery was about 3 hours long and I had also had one round of chemo about 2 weeks earlier and they said that might have something to do with why I did not do so well.  My family also made a new rule if you have to stay overnight someone is going to stay with you!

 I had a rough time during the night, I also heard it could have been from the anaesthesia, anyway to make a long story short, my nurse kept saying she was going to call my Dr to see if she could change my pain meds and that stressed me out even more cause its bad enough you feel like a pain to your nurses, but now I was getting ready to be a pain to my doctor (that I love) and the last thing I thought he needed was to have someone wake him with a stupid question!!!!!  By that point I was in tears and felt I had made my nurses upset with me with things like....when can I take my pain/nausea pill? is there a volume on this blood pressure machine?  I knew my nurses were busy, but when a new one came in I thought YEP....I've made them mad and they have had enough of of course i lost it with the TEARS!!!!  And I thought that nurses like for you to get up and go to the bathroom, just to get things going in your body? 

I thought this one was cute, but mine did not look like this!!!!
Nope not my nurses... If I said I had to go to the bathroom, they brought the toilet and put it right in the middle of the room (next to my bed) but it felt like the middle of the room!!!!!.....and  they waited till I was done!!!   I might as well have stood naked in the middle of the room cause that was how I felt!!!!  So I also thought I got the lazy nurses for the evening????  who knows, I blame the anesthesia!!!!

                               How do men can stand next to each other and go like its no big deal!

Two days after my surgery my hair started to come out in huge clumps. That picture only shows 1/4 of it. 
 I really thought I was going to get past this cause I have really thick hair!  Nope, that was not in Gods design.  So I had a little hair shaving party,... if that is what you want to call it.

This is what Bo Derek looks like with no make up! Lol :)

 I put a ton of braids in it because I was going to cut them off and give them to my nephew and nieces, since they thought it was so COOL that aunt Susie was going to lose her hair.  My sister and her husband came over, daughter and son were there and Kelley was there.  I had my glass of wine all ready and honestly when your sad the last thing you need is wine,  there is not a whole lot that can make you feel better, so that did not help much.  I let my son do the shaving since I have always done his hair, and usually we butt heads a little when it comes to his hair cause he always wants me to just buzz it off and I like to keep a little more than he wants. So I thought I would let him shave me.  So before my shave we had to cut off my Bo Derek braids, I would love to say I looked like her, (well back in the OLD, OLD , OLD days maybe I did) or thought I did :)   Maybe In my DREAMS!!!!

I could not do Locks of Love cause you have to have virgin hair!

 So this picture is for my son who did not know who Bo Derek is!   My son buzzed my hair into a Mohawk, of course I had to see what that would look like just for fun.  I would post them, but I just can't laugh at myself that much!!!! 

Maybe when my hair grows back and I toss enough cookies (just kidding) I will look like Bo!!!!  I know I will have to do it the old fashion way!!!!  Grrrr....nothing is ever easy!!!!

Ps. Only 2 more Chemo treatments...Yeah!  More on that later.

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