
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tissue Expanders

Song-Into each life some rain must fall

Well, its 3:30 in the morning and I cant sleep.  I think because I'm on so much medication they must all be conflicting???

 The name of my blog...It ain't all about the Ta Ta's came up because I found out I had breast cancer, but I also wanted to let other people know, its about cancer,..yes, but its also about things I love and enjoy, like my family, crafting, cooking, decorating or cloud in the sky that looks like a rabbit (only my kids will get that.) And it not just about the Ta Ta's. it is about the Ta Ta's!  

  After my breast cancer surgery my doctor put in both my breast something called Tissue Expander's, these are to slowly stretch your skin until you get implants.  Never in my life I thought I would get these, cause I never really thought about it?   Pretty much cause I gave up on me....(long story!)

So each week I go in to see my plastic surgeon and he gives me a fill of saline solution in the expander, but the last couple times I have been noticing that one breast seem to be getting bigger than the other.  I thought okay, as long in the end the final product...the new Ta Ta's look good.  Because this is all new to me!
 So the last time I went he filled one side with one syringe and the other with two because I told him one seemed bigger.  So this last week I look down on my chest and I would say,  yep I'm still lop sided, thinking something is just not right?

So I had my appointment today for a fill, and he said right away I must have a leak and usually this happens to about 1% of patients,  its possible the expander did not close like it should or its possible he may have poked it when he did the fill?

 First let me tell you how much respect I have for this doctor for being completely honest with me!  I love the fact that it could have been any of those things and he did not have too much pride/ego to say its possible he may have done it.

 He could have easily said these things just happen when you put something foreign in your body!!!

Was I disappointed to have another surgery before my final surgery?....yes.   Do I have any regrets on doing a mastectomy?  Absolutely not!  Do I still love my DOCTOR?.....even more so, because he was so honest with me!!!! 

Don't get me wrong this did bum me out earlier,  I was thinking this crap just follows me around! :(

So right now I'm getting over a cold and trying to stay positive, thinking that this just goes with the territory! 

 Okay done with the self pity...time to move on and put on my big girl panties and realize this too shall pass and tomorrow is a new day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you have to go through surgery again mama!! I Love your quotes on there! Put your big girl panties on and deal with it and tomorrow is a new day! Love your song with this post!! So good!!:D
