
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Healthy Thinking

This is what family is about!
  In my family (Hoffners) sports have always been easy, but exercise forget about it (and I'm not talking about the in-laws, cause some of them do exercise!)   I come from a very competitive family maybe its because there were so many of us kids (six.)  But the one thing I know, I can't think of anyone in my family that likes to exercise.....not one!!!!!

I'm the chubby one on top in the middle
 I remember in high school being in Softball, Volleyball and (Basketball -one year, way too much running, plus I think I sat the bench in that sport a little more than of course I deserved!)

I think this was me back in the day:)
We had to run laps...forget about it, did I care if I was one of the last (not dead last, of course!)...NO, I HATED RUNNING!!!   I only cared If I did my position well and played and did not sit the bench and thankfully nobody in my family did (except in basketball), even though we hated exercise.

Sprints was a little different cause it was kinda like you were racing so that made the exercise kinda like a sport.  So that is what I need!!!  I am not self motivated to just wake up in the morning and run or walk 5-10 miles (I just don't get that love?) (runners please explain?)!!!  Exercise when you were 20 yrs old was much easier, still did not like it, but its was easier when you know you want to look good for your boyfriend or an excuse just to exercise with him!

 My sister & I used to wake up at 5:30 am and go walking and talk and laugh, and that did not seem like exercise!  Cindy would you just move by me! 

This should be my sister & I :)
 I do know CANCER does not discriminate, it touches the old, young (which is so wrong,) fatties and the ones that are healthy that watch what they eat and exercise!!!  But when you get cancer you start thinking hmmm?.... maybe I should do something different....BUT WHAT?? ?.....even the skinny healthy people are getting cancer? 

So my first start is..... fruit smoothies in the morning with lots of blueberries you know those cancer fighting fruits! Trust me this is a change for me, I much prefer bacon & eggs, or pancakes, or just a sweet donut!

 My next step is walking, but I am waiting for my stitches to heal ( I know it's an excuse) but I hate to SWEAT, I MEAN I REALLY ...I HATE TO SWEAT!!!!  My normal temperature in my home is 70 degrees or less, yes, I pay for it (Thank you APS & Uncle Jerry :)!!!!  So It being winter,...if that's what you want to call it in Phoenix?

Hopefully exercise will be much easier while it's cool as long as CHEMO does not kick me on my butt!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! Exercise and smoothes!! Yum! You Can Do It!!!! YES-YOU-CAN! Love you!
